
Slowed pumping at work?

Not sure what to do...

DD is 4 months (almost 19 wks) old; I went back to work when she was 3 months. I have been pumping while at work - every 2-3hrs, very consistently and have had no problems keeping up with the amount of milk she takes during the day while I'm gone. I also try to pump once at night after she's gone to bed. However, the last couple days, I have not pumped as much as she's eaten during the day.

I normally get the most out in the morning (5-6 oz) then 3-4 oz the rest of the times. Yesterday and today, however, I have only gotten about 4oz in the morning pump session, and 3-3/12 each time after that. I pumped 4 times yesterday for 14.5oz. MIL said she at close to 19oz!
Today, I've pumped three times so far for a total of 11.5oz and will pump once more before I leave work. I'm used to having 10oz by the second pump session, so I feel really far behind. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with her...

I drink tons of water and pump both sides simultaneously each time with an Ameda electric pump. Is my supply going down? Does LO need to start on solids to help suppliment? I really don't want to give her formula, but really worried that I won't be able to pump enough for her going forward.


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