March 2013 Moms

A/S today! PIP (xp)

We had our A/S this morning. Pretty much everything looked good. Baby was stubborn at the end and she was unable to get a good view of the heart and diaphragm. So we have another u/s at 24 weeks. Of course, I will be super nervous until then! The NP said things looked fine, but I worry they are just telling me that so I don't worry. The heart was one of the things I was most anxious about. Heartbeat was strong, 138, so I guess that is a little reassuring.

Baby measured a little behind at 19w2d (I am 20w today). 11 oz!

We stayed strong and stayed team green! Last night, DH said "so, should we just find out?" He has been my rock for staying team green and then he pulls that at the last minute! lol. I told him NO! and don't bring it up again :)

Here's our LO! Definitely different than our last u/s at 8w!


TTC #1 since Sept '09 Dx: Severe MFI/Azoo
IVF w/ICSI - 15R, 12M, 10F - transferred 2; froze 3
Beta #1 150 Beta #2 320
7/16 124 bpm (6w5d) 7/31 168 bpm (8w6d) 8/22 170 bpm (12w)
EDD 3/6/13
Our team green baby was a girl! Emma Lynn born 2/23/13
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