March 2013 Moms

XP: Update on my U/S from Yesterday

So I met with my genetic counselor and MFM. They went over my quad screening results and said the 1/7 for downs is probably not downs because of my 1/10,000 Harmony Test results. The counselor said it was one of two things - a false positive or some other chromosomal issue that could be very minor or more severe. They did an anatomy scan and took more measurements. Everything was normal and no soft markers were found at all. So I am inclined to hope it is just a false positive. My genetic counselor seemed to believe this was a strong possibility.

As someone who has experienced a loss and based on the fact that it took 3 years to get pg the first time, I am very nervous about doing an amnio because of the risk of miscarriage. I could not handle that! I broke down when talking to my counselor about why I did not know what course of action to take. DH and I believe that my test results are as such because of my age and our gut feeling is that LO is fine.

In hind sight, I am very sorry that I opted for the screening tests because it is just a guess based on averages of women with similar symptoms and has caused a lot of stress.

Thanks for everyone who sent T&Ps yesterday...I so appreciate all of you and would ask that you keep continued good thoughts that LO is healthy! 

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