March 2013 Moms

had to go to ER last night...kinda long, sorry

I don't really post much on here, but I do come to the board almost every day and read. However, I am FREAKING out and need to share. Last night, I woke up and I was soaked in blood. I went to the bathroom and it came gushing out of me. Also, I was having pretty bad cramping. So, we went to the ER. I really thought is was all over. They did an ultrasound and a pelvic. The doc said the baby still has a heartbeat, that the bleeding had subsided and as of last night, my cervix was still closed, but there was a lot of blood. He said that right now only time will tell. I was diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage.

I was going to a birthing center, but they said they can't see me because I am high-risk. The only high risk doctor that takes Medicaid anywhere near me is 20 minutes away and I do not have a car. This makes things pretty complicated. It's also at the health dept where they don't really care too much and are not that nice. Anyway, they were supposed to call me back yesterday to set up an appointment and never did. So, I called this morning and told them I need an appt within the next 3 days and explained what had happened. The biotch of a lady tells me that they dont have any openings for 2 weeks and technically I am not even their patient yet, even though there is no where else for me to go. She tells me that I need to go back to the hospital for a follow up, sign a release there and the birthing center and then call back Monday because she won't be back until then. ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME!?!? So, my DH called them back and would not get off the phone with them until they set up an appointment for me. The supervisor that got on the phone with him sounded like she felt really bad when she told him they really couldn't get me in till the 24th, which is a week from now. But, that's way better than 2 1/2 weeks!!!

 By the way, I will be 18 weeks tomorrow.

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