1st Trimester

Couldn't find my uterus...any info please

Hi guys.  Because I have PCOS and only had one period after starting treatment it is hard to say how far along I am but on Sept  26th I had an ultrasound that looked like I was just barely 5 weeks.  Today I went in to have another ultrasound because we didn't see a heartbeat at 5 weeks (normal), just a gestational sack and yolk sack.  So here's the part I need help with I went to a free clinic for these ultrasounds and at 5 weeks it was an RN getting trained by a seasoned sonographer on how to use the equipment.  Today 3 weeks later same RN no trainer, and she couldn't find my uterus in the ultrasound.  She did both TA and TV approach and couldn't find it.  She started acting like I had a miscarriage, so she gave me a pregnancy test and it came up positive, her response to that was that "as your body is absorbing the fetus pregnancy tests can still show positive".  I am not having any symptoms of a miscarriage and I haven't lost any pregnancy symptoms!  I called my regular doctor and they said I shouldn't be worried (hello hormonal and freaking out here) and will see me tomorrow for another ultrasound.  Does anyone have any information on this?  Does it mean I miscarried if she couldn't find my uterus??
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