
how do you all do it?

Yes, I know I'm only 8 days in, and I'm emotional and hormonal, and uncomfortable from my RCS, but I really don't know how you all do it.  My entire chest hurts, I have no clue how much DD2 is eating, if she's hungry or just fussy/wants to suck, it hurts when she latches,, there's some mysterious pain in my back under my arm kind of where my bra is (to the point where I had to take my nursing bra off), she won't take my left breast, it hurts to hug DD1, i can't keep up with this every 2 hour feeding thing, I don't know when she's done or just needs a burp, I don't know how long to nurse her for and end up feeding her for an hour and I can't move right now.  It hurts to just sit and hold her, even to sit with my arms on my side, my boobs seem too big to position along with DD1, I can't stand not being fully supported by a nursing bra - i feel like my boobs are down at my knees, I can't seem to get DD2 to latch without taking off all my clothes, I can't find a comfortable position, the list goes on and on. 

i've met with a LC, and she says I'm doing everything right, but yet there's still some pinching feeling that feels like DD2's lip needs to be pulled down (DD1 had MAJOR latching issues and I experienced lots of pain before just switching to pumping) but her lip is fine. 

I know not to make any decisions right now, and I''m going to pump to keep my supply up while DH supplements DD with breast milk and formula for a few feedings till my boobs feel better - but I'm just really feeling jaded.  I'm not enjoying this experience at all, and I feel like I'm pushing my baby to my chest unwillingly. 

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