Dads & Dads-to-be

First Overnight With The Little One!!

So every year my mom's side of the family rents a huge house in Central Wisconsin on a beautiful lake for a weekend reunion. We have been doing this now for over 30 years each fall season, and it has turned into a huge tradition.

This is a first for us as we are bringing a new addition to the mix.  I am really excited about this weekend and introducing my son to a tradition that has been such a huge part of my life. My wife, while excited, is being a good mommy and thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong.

We are bringing the pack n play to use as his bed/crib at night.  We will also bring his boppy and his tummy time activity blanket. Outside of the normal everyday things, what would you dad's bring if you were going away for a weekend with the baby? This is meant to be a fun question, so have a stab at it!

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