March 2013 Moms

Not having a good day....need some encouragement

I called to get the results for a follow up antibody screen today, and was told that my call was referred to the doctor. Um, that can't be good. Now I have to sit here and wait for the doctor to get out of surgery to call me back. I know that in the grand scheme of things antibody m is not the worst thing in the world, and it could turn out to be nothing at all, but it's hard to hear that something might be wrong.

Then I thought I felt the baby move, but now I have a stomachache so I'm pretty sure it's just indigestion from stress. The crazy hormones are making me just want to crawl back into bed with a box of tissues and start over today.

Anyone else have one of these days yet? What did you do to feel better?

BabyFruit Ticker Follow my baby story at:
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