1st Trimester

So excited!

On October 4 I took a test in the evening and I got my very first BFP!!! over the next few days I took about 10 more tests, and all were positive. I went to the doctors and had a blood test done which also came back positive! My husband and I were trying for about 8 months to have our first baby. I have my first appoitment on November 5. I am about 5 weeks 3 days along. I have only told my very immidiate family or "support group." I really want to try and keep it a secret from everyone else until I am atleast 12 weeks. Its such a hard secret to keep. So I wanted to share my exciting news with you ladies!! It feels good to be able to share it with someone! =) Hoping and praying this baby sticks. It is my very first pregnancy, and have many concerns, but I am just trying to stay positive. Thank you for letting me share my excitment with you all! =)

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