1st Trimester

Intro and Progesterone Question

Hi 1st Tri ladies.  I am a mom of one sweet little boy (2 1/2 years old) and my husband and I have been TTC a second for 6 months total. We have had two miscarriages, one chemical in May and one with an undetermined cause in June. We finally got the courage to begin trying again in September.  On a normal cycle, I have absolutely no symptoms before my period starts and this has been normal since college. However the last two cycles I have had pregnancy symptoms and I'm certain I felt implantation on this last cycle.  But I got my period last night after getting a faint + HPT.  Because I never normally experience symptoms, I am beginning to wonder if I'm actually getting pregnant, but can't sustain it possibly due to low progesterone. 

My doctor said that she would not make me go through two more miscarriages to do full lab work on me, but I'd have to go through one more miscarriage before she does it. I'm trying not to stress, but honestly am wondering what if I don't sustain a pregnancy long enough to get a good + HPT and confirmation U/S. So, I'm curious about the use of progesterone creams (natural or not). Did any of you use any just to try it or absolutely need it?  What are the pros and cons?  Was it effective for you?

TIA for your feedback! 

EDIT:  I forgot to mention that I went in yesterday morning to get my progesterone levels and betas checked since I got the faint +, but haven't gotten the results yet.

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