1st Trimester

HR/WAHM come on in

So, I split schedule- three days in the office two at home. Works perfectly. I?ve never missed a deadline and am available all the time to my boss. Today, he says to me, ?let?s meet later today, we need to tighten things up around here.? I?ve had a sinking feeling that my awesome situation may in fact end...I?m a director and the only one in the company with this sweet of an employment deal. Working for a small start-up, being in the office can be important - just not really for my job (Marketing.)

Let?s say he sits me down today and tells me he needs me in the office and I can?t work at home anymore/spend time with my toddler. What are your reasons for working at home being beneficial and what rights do I have to continue my situation? Also, 9 wks in, and he does not yet know. 

Please help! I?m a stressball.  

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