
Overeating/ over feeding?

This was my first day back at work. I leave at 700 and get home at 4. 9 hours total away. So according to kellymom, LO should need around 9oz. Mine ate 18oz today and acted unsatisified and hungry when I got home.

LO is 13 weeks and a whopping 16lbs. He was eating every 23 hours when I was home. He was sleeping 8 to 730 every night. Amazing. Recently started adding a 4 am feed the last 2 nights.

I would pump a bottle for him every day and he would drink about 4oz, sometimes 5.

Well, since I leave before LO wakes up, I woke at 6 and pumped 9oz. I decided to not nurse before I left bc it wakes him up and I cant get him back to sleep.

I had some milk frozen already as well. I left 4 4.5oz bottles. He took them all like a champ w no spit up, which is amazing bc he always spits up.

I pumped 2 times at work and got 10oz total at 945 and 1

When I got home, He wanted to nurse but was fussy at the boob. I ended up pumping and giving him an additional 5oz. He was finally happy. it possible that he was nursing like 6oz at a time? I do usually have a good supply.

Should I up the bottle amount?

I am using the playtex bottle with the latex nipple on slow. My MIL is really good about burping and offering pacifier. She watched DS1 full time, and has some experience bottle feeding a BF baby. However, DS1 never took a bottle and reverse cycled.

This is an issue I never had with DS1, so I am kinda at a loss of what to do.

Sorry for the rambling, I am exhausted from getting up early and going to work. Thanks!
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