
It gets better - not stopping at a year!

My son will be a year old November 26th.  I am proud to say that we made it to 6 1/2 months exclusively breastfeeding and have been going strong since then (just added solids at 6 1/2 mo).

The beginning was SOOOO hard.  He had to use a nipple shield and every single feeding took between 30 minutes and an hour (and some were like an hour and 15 minutes!).  He really had a difficult time latching and I was so frustrated and exhausted.  I made my husband take the formula samples that kept getting sent to our house OUT and to a emergency shelter - because I was worried I'd go to it in desperation.  We sought help, hired a lactation consultant to come to our home on Christmas Eve and pushed through, and so far, breastmilk (and a little water) are the liquids he's had!

Now, I love nursing him and we plan to continue past a year!   It's so hard to believe how far we've come.  If you're struggling now, know that it DOES get better and you CAN do it!  

SAHM to Eli, born 11.26.11
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