1st Trimester

Terrible back pain

The past few weeks, I have had some pretty bad lower back pain. I mean it HURTS. It's not that type of constant, numbing pain. It's more like sharp pain when I get up from sitting or bend over. It's right above my butt, across the width of my back.

I brought it up with my OB at my first appointment and she just gave me sort of a strange look... like it's not an expected symptom. She ordered a UTI test but it was obviously negative (c'mon, who doesn't know when they have a UTI ;) She said that it could just be my joints starting to shift in my body already, making room for baby. I am only 8 weeks.

Is anyone else dealing with any type of back pain in the first tri? Could it be my kidneys? Should I have someone else check this out? Somebody tell me this is normal!

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