
3 Breastfeeding Questions

1. When I was in the hospital with DS, the nurses had me pump for my milk to come in because he was in the NICU.  If this baby is not in the NICU, and I am nursing successfully, do I still need to pump?

2.  When my DH was on paternity leave with DS we split the nights and I pumped for 1-2 feedings.  A lot of times it was tough that he was pressuring me to pump, and I felt resentful because I had already breastfed all day and pumped, and my nipples hurt to be honest, so maybe DS would get 1 bottle of formula. 

Do you think this time around, I should not pump for DH at all, and I just handle every feeding?  I'm just worried about sleeping even less since I was exhausted before. But I also hate pumping.  I could just do the feeding and then hand baby off to DH for diapering and playing while I go back to sleep maybe.  Any ideas?

Oh I think I was more stressed last time too because the LC had me pump after every other breastfeeding session, so in a way I was doing 1.5 times the work.  This was because DS had a poor latch and was only getting an ounce at each feeding.   

ETA: DS had a poor latch because I have inverted nipples and had to use a nipple shield to even get him to latch and also because he was born at 37 weeks, so his latching/ swallowing skills were poor.  

3. Someone posted an alternative to the nipple shield.  Does anyone know what that was? Any tricks to latching without the nipple shield and with me having inverted nipples?  

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