1st Trimester

First OB Visit today- 7 weeks...HELP PLEASE

Good Morning, I have my first visit to the OB later today. I keep reading on what to expect during my first visit. I have never been pregnant before. And I had a pap done March 2012 which came back normal. I called the OB on 10/2 and they informed me I needed blood work done at least 48 hrs before my appt. So I went that same day. Two days later they called and the only thing they told me was my proestergone levels were low (11) and my OB wants them at a 15 so I've been taking pills twice a day since 10/5. Considering I've already had my blood work done and they've given me prenatal vitamins when I had the blood work what else can go on during this visit? I am guessing an overall examination of my health, family history, etc? I know some people said they get to see the heartbeat is this common practice by many docs during visit #1? Any help is appreciated to put me at ease until 4:30
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