
older baby not taking as much during the day

DD is 11 months and lately she's not been drinking as much milk as she used to.  She's starting to have more solids during the day, which I know is filling her up more.  But she's making up for it at night by waking 1-2 times, when she used to just wake around 5am.  I know she's hungry b/c she eats a full feeding and then falls right back to sleep.  I don't want to cut those out b/c I know she needs to calories, but how can I get her to eat more during the day?  When she's with me, she snacks for a few minutes even when I try to feed her in a dark, quiet room.  At daycare they do meals about an hour before bottles, and even then it takes her a while to finish the bottles.  Any suggestions?
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