
Is anyone NOT pumping?

I've only lurked on this board before, so I'm new. : We have a lot of BFers on my month board, but it seems like everyone is pumping. My LO is 2 weeks today, my milk is in, he seems to be nursing without issues other than my nipples are still a bit sore. He eats on demand, 30 to 45 minutes every 2 to 4 hours. I am going to be a SAHM, so I won't need a stash for daycare or to pump at work. Is there another reason I would need to pump? I figured once he is a little older I can express a bottle or two for date nights, etc. Is there something else I haven't considered? My mom is a former LLL leader and was a SAHM and said she only had the emergency/date night bottle. I feel like there are a lot of conflicting opinions on the pumping question.
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