
Overwhelmed ftm with twins

 Sorry this is so long but i am in need of some help.  I had my twin boys on 9/20 @  37 weeks-no nicu time :)  Got off to a tough start in the hospital because the LC was at a conference so I didn't get to see her at all.  I ended up giving formula because they were not nursing well. The nurses tried to help but the boys ended up screaming and they would try to force them to latch and the whole experience was traumatizing if you ask me and I was in tears over it. After we got released from the hospital I got in touch with a LC to come to the house.  I felt better after her visit but now I am back to second guessing things. She basically told me tO feed every 2 hours-start with 10-15 min on the breast then give 1 oz (based on the calculation of 2.5oz per pound per 24 hours) pumped milk if I have it or formula then do same with other baby then pump for 10-15min then repeat in 2 hours.  I have been doing this for 2 weeks now and I am taking mothers milk special blend. I initially was able to get in 7 pumping sessions and now I am down to 5 because I just can't make it happen some days due to lack of sleep (I choose to sleep rather than pump) or the feeding time takes so long that by the time I get to the pumping part it's almost time to feed again.  Not to mention needing a few minutes
to feed myself!!  Every few days the lack of sleep gets to me and I end up crying and wanting to quit trying to ebf.  Sometimes I can tandem nurse but most times one baby is still sleeping while I feed the other. I emailed the LC last week because the one ounce supplement was not enough and I have had to give on avg 2 oz and I was wondering if more breast time was needed.  She said stay with 15 min at the breast because that is when the most milk is transferred. I figured with time they would become better nursers and get what they need in that 15 min nursing session and i would know because they wouldnt want as much supplement.  Now I am reading about foremilk and hindmilk and worried if they are only nursing for a set time they won't get the hindmilk.  Stools have been kinda green/yellow too. So the last 2 days I have tried to nurse until they pull off.  There was one time that they fell asleep for an hour after so I didn't give a bottle :) and when they woke up hungry an hour later I put back on the breast.  But most times even after 30+ min on the breast they take an ounce in the bottle and I feel totally defeated.  I am trying to be patient and hope they will get better with nursing as they grow but it's sooooo hard!  Also I am using a nipple shield on and off due to painful nipples.  So any advice or encouragement would be much appreciated!  I have read about moms nursing every hour sometimes for the first 6 weeks and their babies spending as much as 45 min on the breast at a time so I don't think setting a time limit is beneficial for us. Maybe I need to just focus on nursing and when they are hungry again in a half hour put to the breast again and not give a bottle?  That means even less sleep.  Also, the LC didn't check weight again after a feeding so I was thinking of having her come to my house again to do a weighted feeding...but that is a $90 visit basically for a weight check. 
If you made it through this long post and have any input I appreciate it!!
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