
What should I do?

Ok so I have posted on this board multiple times about BFing issues I've had. To sum it up, I have had many obstacles regarding BFing and I feel that I'm at my end...
Basically my LO eats 10 to 12 times a day which sounds normal, but each feeding lasts a MINIMUM of 30 minutes. Most feedings range between 45 minutes to an hour. At first I thought this was just a growth spurt but it has been like this everyday for a month now. I have been able to pump twice daily and get about 3 oz total from both pumpings, but LO usually ends up needing what I've pumped by the end of the day because I've run dry. I feel like I've tried everything to increase my supply like power pumping, pumping after each feeding, fenugreek, eating a ton of oatmeal, drinking a ton of water...but nothing has helped...what should I do?
Oh and LO will NOT nurse without nipple shields, so he is using the shield.
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