
Pumping amount different on each side?

My son is in the NICU and a few days ago, he was able to start nursing once a day.  He wouldn't even latch on the right side, only the left.  Today I finally got him to latch on the right side (yay!) and am able to nurse him at his designated feeding times anytime I am there.  

I've noticed since I started feeding him from the left that my supply on the right side is not keeping up with the left.  For instance, I just pumped and had 2 oz on the left and not quite 1.5 oz on the right.  Is this normal/ok?  I'm worried I've messed up my milk supply.  Will getting him to eat more on that side help?  Thanks!

BFP#1 6/16/09-Cycle #11 Missed m/c at 10 weeks, D&C BFP #2 10/22 @6 weeks discovered bicornuate uterus and twins Lost Baby B @ 12 weeks. Our baby boy arrived 6/6/10! AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers BFP #3:3/2/12 Crossing fingers for a healthy baby! Saw heartbeat on 3/23 128 bpm It's a BOY! Dealing with IUGR. Preeclampsia/HELLP Syndrome born 10/2 at almost 34 weeks. Please grow little E! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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