
Power Pumping

Talk to me about how/what you do to power pump...

LO has never been able to latch (NICU stay, IUGR baby, low blood sugar, etc.--long story) so I've been exclusively pumping from the beginning...and having supply issues from the beginning.  I tried fenugreek and it worked some to increase supply, but LO did not tolerate it well as it made him spit up and made him very gassy. I've tried several other things, too, that have not worked. After going off the fenugreek, I've only been able to pump 8-10 ounces a day so I'm hoping that power pumping may be able to increase supply.  Any tips or suggestions on the best way to power pump?

DX: DOR & Fragile X premutation carrier 2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8 BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ LO born 9/4/12 Feb. 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) ~ FSH 6.8 (normal)
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