1st Trimester

Possible Miscarriage Question

I've had 3 previous miscarriages and 2 healthy pregnancies in the last 5 years so you would think that I've seen it all, but I am baffled as to what is going on right now.  At 7 weeks pregnant, I had an ultrasound and it should a yolk sac and a possible fetal pole, but no heartbeat.  My doctor has an old ultrasound machine and usually sends you in to another clinic for a better ultrasound, but because of my history, she checked it anyway.  I should also add that I have a tilted uterus.  My doctor thought it was most likely that I was miscarrying.

 I went in for HcG levels even though they aren't very reliable at this point in the pregnancy.  My doctor expected to see my levels dropping, but they are still rising.  She said they were a little on the low side, but still in the realm of normal.  I go back for an ultrasound on Monday.

 Anyone have something similar happen and have a healthy pregnancy?  I should also add that it is unlikely that my ovulation date is off. 

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