March 2013 Moms

Naughty baby

We had our a/s this morning, and we will have to go back.  Baby wouldn't give them the photos they needed of the base of the spine, though they assured me everything looked good.  Baby just wouldn't hold the right position for any amount of time.  They also couldn't get a decent shot of the heart for their files, though they also assured us that the heart looked great - they could see all 4 chambers nicely.  So, since they need the right photos for their files, we're going to have to go back.

Just feeling very relieved we saw a healthy little peanut.  Totally worth the 4 hours at the hospital (3 miserable hours spent waiting/getting the NuMom2be appointment done, getting blood drawn... ugh.  One great hour watching baby wiggle, do the can-can, and suck its thumb).  We are team green, so no news on that front :)

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