
new to bf..pumping..questions. HELP lol

my LO is 2 weeks old and will be on for about 20 to 30 minutes before we break for burping and  i offer the other,which will be taken usually for 15 minutes tops.  is this too long? The reason i am asking is because she seems hungry but i dont want to be a human paci either.  the dr told me thatshould be a 40 minute feed tops.. 20 on each to empty it out.  she has gained plenty of weight.

 also, when  do you find time to pump.  by the time im done feeding her and get her down, it is time do it again.  im feeding her every few hours.     all that advice about sleep when baby does is hard just with BF alone... but i am trying to build up my supply.

any suggestions would be helpful

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