
freaking out - supply dropping?

DD is 9 months today, my supply has always been fine when nursing, and just about or not quite up to what she eats at daycare when I pump at work. This past week, I was out of town and away from DD for the longest we've ever been apart - Thursday morning through Tuesday evening, so 5 nights. I pumped but was not as regular as I would like to have been (some days every 3-4 hours, but sometimes was not in a place where I could pump and had to go longer, as well as often not pumping the full 20 minutes that I normally would), and also didn't get up in the middle of the night to pump (DD doesn't consistently sleep through the night), although I usually pumped right before bed, and then first thing when I got up, so usually only going 6-7 hours overnight.

Each day I was gone, my supply seemed ok, but the last morning I pumped about 1/4th of what I had been pumping - freaked me out but I kind of attributed it to stress over a cancelled flight. Now that I'm back though, I don't feel as full as I used to, I'm pumping significantly less at work and it's been LESS each day, not more, and at night I feel like DD is working SO HARD when she's nursing, like she's not getting as much as easily as before.

I'm nowhere near ready to quit but this is super duper scaring me! This weekend I plan to nurse like crazy with her, and I'll get back on the oatmeal bandwagon and try to do a better job of drinking lots of water. I did fenugreek before so I might try that too. I'm just afraid that I'm drying up! Any tips or words of encouragement are appreicated.

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