
am i being selfish? (pumping)

Okay, I have been EP since LO was about a week. (problems with BF). Anyway, I have tried, since the beginning, to pump about 6x a day---which almost always fails and 4x is more likely, 5 if i'm lucky. 

I have been told by SILs that pumping less is not good. This will cause my supply to drop and I should really strive to pump every 3-4hrs. I'm a FTM and they've had their kids and pumped as well...but my thinking was why pump sooo often if i produce more milk with longer time intervals between pumping? SIL said she thought that too but she ended up losing her supply around 6mo.

I don't want to lose my supply...and of course i want to do whats best for LO. I don't want to be strapped down to the pump all day tho! and i like to be able to sleep for 5-6hrs if LO is asleep too. Is this selfish of me? Should I be pumping more often? If I am only pumping 4x a day will my supply stay the same or will it decrease? Does your supply start to decrease over time? (my LO is 2mo now). I don't think I have low supply because I have a pretty large freezer stash and when I pump now i usually average about 14oz per session (LO eats about 5oz each feeding) but have pumped up to 20oz per session. 

advice.......experience.......thoughts.....comments.......anything lol, and thank you all in advance! 


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