
Need encouragement (and advice!)

I am so ready to just move to formula, but I really also want to keep breastfeeding.  My LO is underweight (he just hit 1% on the WHO growth chart today, so yay!), but he only got there from a combination of nursing and formula supplementation.  (I have a really crappy supply.) When he's hungry I feed him from both sides (he latches on fine and I take him off when he's no longer active on the breast), then get a bottle ready and feed him formula.  He usually naps for a bit (while I double pump), and then after a little bit of activity he's hungry again, so I start the cycle over.  

The thing is, all of this takes so long.  Nursing is about 20-30 minutes, then making/heating up the bottle (5 mins), then a bottle feed, which can go anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, and then pumping for 15 minutes.  That's one feeding! I feed LO 8-10x a day.  I obviously don't pump that many times because I have to do other things, and it's just honestly exhausting.  The other thing too is I get so frustrated - I just pumped now and only got 1 ounce between both breasts, and I hadn't nursed him for over two hours.  My boobs were getting pretty hard, and to then get barely anything is so frustrating.

I want to give up so badly, but honestly, I love nursing him, and I want to continue that, but I don't know what to do to become an exclusive breastfeeder.  I want to get him off the formula (I feed him expressed milk but my supply is so low that I can only give him a bottle of it, maybe two, per day - out of about 6 bottles), but I don't know how to up my supply.

I'm taking fenugreek, eating oatmeal, and drinking gatorade.  I've been to LCs and go to La Leche League meetings, but nothing seems to be working.  Please help!!

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