
Let's all just agree to laugh at ourselves

Today I got stuck in traffic and skipped my morning work pumping session. I thought I would be totally fine and I could make it until later morning when I would have another break.

Yeah. Totally not feasible.

I leaked out through my breastpads, bra, cami and shirt. A lot. I didn't make it past 10am. I ended up draping my cami and breastpads over the top of my desk to dry and using paper towels for breastpads. I put up the do not disturb sign outside my office door to minimize co-workers seeing my soaked nursing related underthings.

You have to find humor in these things. At least I was engorged enough to pump 13oz for LO to eat today! That made it all worth it.

Anyone else have a leaking story where you just had to laugh at yourself to get through it?

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