
Feeding all the time??

I am totally new to BFing and I think I've done really well, but I do have a question. It seems to me that LO is ALWAYS hungry! Even after he has a 30+ minute feeding, when my FI picks him up LO is looking for the nipple. I don't know if maybe he's not getting enough even though he is latched on and sucking for the whole time or what, but even when he takes the breast milk from a bottle, he still wants more after 2 ounces. He's only a week old and I wouldn't think he needs more than that yet. Even when he pulls himself off the breast, sometimes not even an hour later he wants to feed again. When he's like this, it makes it extremely hard at night. I didn't even get to bed until 5 this morning because he would feed and fall asleep. I stimulate him and wake him up and he latches on again. I go through this until he's in that state where he won't wake up no matter what or if he pulls himself off...then (like last night) about 45 min to an hour later, he's awake and hungry. Is this just a growing state? I know this won't last long forever, but I'm also trying to get it under control a little.
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