
Help please - Engorgement and supplementing

Hey ladies.  I just had my baby on Monday, so she is four days old. From the start, she had a good latch and was putting out a ton of diapers.  Yesterday we were discharged and she had been having some trouble feeding and didn't have any diapers, but the nurses said it was normal any my milk was probably coming in.  We did see an LCD in the hospital but she really sucked so I want to find a local meeting/drop in, but I haven't found one that meets sooner than next wednesday.

Well everything sort of went to hell once we got home, feeding was hard enough because of pain frOm my c section incision but then,  My breasts were so engorged that she couldn't latch - I tried hand expression but got nothing from one side and only a teeny bit of colostrum from the other.  She fed a tiny bit from the second breast it was still too engorged and she gave up, so we wound up supplementing with  formula.  I have been trying to pump but am getting nowhere in terms of output or softening up my breasts.  I have been applying ice on and off for 20 min, and will see if that works, but I was wondering if you guys had any tricks.

 I just called her pediatirician to ask about the diapers, how much formula, and help with engorgement but am waiting on a call back.  Once I hear from them I plan to call the local LLL hotline.  I reallly want to make this work and have been crying a lot over the formula, and I am somewhat desperate for ideas since all I keep reading about is hand expression and pumping for relief, and those don't help.   Any advice or support about engorgement relief, how much formula to give, or diaper output would be greatly appreciated, I feel like a terrible mom.

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