March 2013 Moms

It's a ..... very stubborn little one.

Had our anatomy scan yesterday afternoon.  Our sweet baby was being incredibly stubborn, making it hard for our tech to get all the pictures she needed.  Baby would not sit still!!  Then when it came time that we actually needed baby to move so we could find the gender... nuh-uh.  That wasn't going to happen.  The tech was poking and jiggling my belly to get LO to turn.  Instead the transducer got a direct kick.  Finally she had me turn on my side and tried it from another angle.  Then she was finally able to see what I've been dying to know since the BFP.  She wrote it on one of the pictures without us seeing and put those pictures in an envelope. 

The doctor said that everything looks perfect.  Our sweet little baby measures in the 57th percentile for weight... 11 ounces.  Heart beat is a strong 146. We are still on track for March 7th.

We gave the envelope to a friend of ours who went to the grocery store to buy balloons (pink for girl or blue for boy), put the balloons in a box, and came to our house.  We opened the box in the baby's room..... and a dozen PINK balloons came flying out!  Our sweet baby is a GIRL!! We could not be happier =)

 I can't wait to meet little Parker Elizabeth!

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