March 2013 Moms

(Fixed) Twisting Pain

Sorry about the other post, not quite sure what happened.

The other night, my husband and I were standing around talking and all of a sudden it felt like someone had grabbed the inside of my stomach and started twisting.  I bent over and grabbed my stomach in pain.  My husband helped me sit on the bed since I wasn't able to move/stand up straight.  I couldn't sit up straight, so I had to sorta recline on the bed.  After a few minutes of that, my husband helped me lay down on the bed, and I curled in a ball since it still hurt (not as bad but still there).  After a few more minutes, the pain dulled, but still didn't completely disappear for a while.

This was the first (and thankfully last) time this happened, and it's got me very confused and scared.  A few days after this though, I felt the first strong kick from the baby (I've felt her kick before, but this one was really strong).  Has the ever happened to anyone else before?


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