1st Trimester

TB test

OK so about 3 weeks ago my drs office done blood work to do a TB test and other rutine blood work... I go through a community clinic and they have to send the blood out to a lab to be tested... Well I got a phone call today from them saying I needed to call them back as soon as possible.... I had a miscarriage in July, and we have been to the doctor several times with this pregnancy due to bleeding and morning sickness... I told my supervisor at work and they allowed me to call them... When I got in touch with the nurse that called me she told me she was calling to tell me that my TB test come back positive... They told me that just because it came back positive didn't mean it truly was positive... but I would have to go to the health department and they would do chest xrays after that...

I told my supervisor because I felt it was something they need to know... After about 2 hours they called in into the office and told me they were sending me home and I am not allowed to return to work until I am cleared by a doctor... I have already missed a lot of work due to other pregnancy related stuff... We are stuggling as it is now they are telling me that I can't come back to work until I know for sure I don't really have TB....

I have a 2 year old and people I work with have young children... I am terrified I have exposed someone to TB... and I'm the type of person that just the thought of someone catching a cold from me makes me feel horrible...

Has anyone else has experience with this??? I have so many questions and absolutely no answers!! They told me to come in tomorrow to get the paper work to take to the health department, and get the chest xray done, but they also told me it days 48 to 72 hours to get the results back... tomorrow is Thursday and they said with a weekend it could be at least Tuesday before I have answers!!!!


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