1st Trimester

Anyone on antidepressants?

Hi everyone,

DH and I are currently trying for our third baby. We have a 5 year old and a 2 year old.

I have struggled with severe anxiety on and off for about 6 years. I've been on Lexapro for a year and a half now and everything has been great. i xant believe how horrible I felt before. My doctor says its fine for me to stay on it as untreated anxiety and depression is dangerous in pregnancy and most available information says it is generally safe. I'm a bit worried and tried to wean myself off last month. It was a disaster. I cried all the time and was extremely irritable.

I know it's a decision only myself and my doctor can make; she says she's fine with me staying on it and I really don't want to go off if I don't have to. I'm just a bit nervous about it. I tried Wellbutrin last year and had a horrible experience with it, so I don't want to switch. Lexapro is just really ideal. Obviously, I don't want to hurt my future baby though.

Has anyone else had to make this decision? What did you decide and what helped you make your decision?

Thanks for any help or advice, I really appreciate it.
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