March 2013 Moms

Low Amniotic Fluid?

I had my a/s ultrasound on Monday and today the nurse calls me to let me know that they need to schedule another ultrasound. The nurse goes on to say that the ultrasound from Monday shows low amniotic fluid and the doctor wants to check it in 4 to 6 weeks. So we scheduled the appointment and that was that. I was figuring that I had not been drinking enough fluids and that is what caused it but I wanted a little more information so I googled it... I know better but I did it anyway.

What I found is that low amniotic fluid in the first or second trimester can be signs of a major birth defect among other things. I am so scared right now the only thing keeping me from losing it is DS and the hopes that they were wrong. I did read that there is a possibility that the ultrasound was incorrect but that information was based on the diagnosis at the end of the pregnancy.

So my question to you is, do you know anything about low amniotic fluid? have you or anyone you know been misdiagnosed with this? TIA

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