March 2013 Moms

It is a boy and A/S went well!

Just took a moment to see that this little baby is very much a boy. The tech didn't even have to point anything out. : )  He did ask us if we wanted to know before he stuck the transducer on me, and we said yes, but that was about the length of time spent in "uncertainty." 

So fun!  I've never thought, really and truly, about having a boy.  I was so convinced that this was a girl.  My sweet partner has taken care of lots of baby boys, so I'm behind the eight ball on this one. 

Baby Boy measures at least a week, closer to a week and a half ahead on almost every measurement. And, according to the doctor, weights 9 oz.  And at 18 weeks exactly that is a few ounces heavier than he should be.  I think 6.5 is the size given on charts. Maybe it means a big baby?  I'm sure it could all even out over time, but I'm starting to get a hunch.

All the little parts were in the right places and both the tech and the doctor were pleased.  We got only a couple good pictures, but one is of him sucking his thumb, which was really neat.

We told DD last night and she was pretty happy.  I think a boy might be easier for her to sister than a girl, no competion and all, plus I told her that I'm pretty scared, too, and I think that helped her feel like her nervousness is A-OK.

Now to name the little sprat.  We had a girl name all picked out, but a boy name is about 13 miles of bad road away.

 Good luck to all!


35, married to my favorite person in the world, DW!

One darling surfer-girl (9)

June 18, 2012: IUI #1, June 28, 2012: BFP! Due March 11, 2013

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