March 2013 Moms

Kicking Confusion

So for the past week I have felt what I believed to be baby kicking well below my belly button and on the left side. Very sporadic, but I couldn't figure out what else it could be and figured that's about where the baby would be.

But today, as I'm sitting at my desk at work, I am feeling the same sensation, like little bumps, taps, whatever, but much higher, just above my belly button and to the right. And nothing below to the left anymore.

My question is
Am I mistaken and most likely not actually feeling the baby moving? Or is this possible position something I should contact my midwife over? Or none of the above? I know my uterus is still below my belly button or it should be, and I should not be feeling movement this high this early on. I've likened the sensation to a nerve jumping, and I suppose that could be it.

Is anyone else utterly confused at this point? I went from feeling sure about kicks to now wondering if I'm just feeling all sorts of weird sensations and haven't actually felt the baby yet.
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