
Sleepy 2mo won't eat

DS will be 2m on Friday and started going to daycare a little over a week ago. He takes 2-3 bottles a day, and I nurse him before work, at lunch, and in the evenings when we're home. I pump for his bottles. The last couple of days though, he's so sleepy that he's skipped his typical cluster feedings. Normally he eats at 5a & 7a before I go to work, takes about 3-4 oz at 9, 2 oz at 10:30-11, nurse at 12:30, 3-4 oz at 3, then nurse when we get home at 5:30-6. Now he's sleeping through the 7a and one of his evening feedings and taking 4-5 oz bottles instead. Is all this normal? We're still getting good diapers, but I'm just afraid he's going too long between feedings.
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