
Taking a vacation?

LO is 14 months now and BFs about 4-6 times per day. Our friends are getting married in Europe in April, DS will be 20 1/2 months by then. I definitely do not want to bring him along- time change, long flights, no thank you! My mom has offered to watch him, but I would feel so guilty if he wouldn't nurse when I came back. I really want to make it to the 2 year mark. The trip would probably deplete my freezer stash, but at 20 months, is that a really big deal when I only work part time? 

I am trying to decide if an awesome trip and some much needed relaxation time alone with hubby is worth the possibility of the end of my and DS's nursing relationship. Of course, I know anything could happen in 6 months, and he could be weaned by then anyways.

Any advice or opinions is greatly appreciated, especially from moms who nursed older babies. 

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