
Needing some encouragement...

First, I'm sorry this is so long.

I am new to the board however I have been lurking a while. sorry for not introducing myself sooner

On Oct. 1 2012 I had my precious little girl. She was diagnosed with sever jaundice and we have been dealing with it since. We came home last Thursday and were sent back to the hospital sun. Hopefully we are home for good now.

All though this time I have been breast feeding. While at the hospital it was discovered that my supply is very low. Currently they doctors and LC have me breast feeding for 10 min, and pumping for 1520 min after that, I am to feed her breast milk from the prior session and then add formula to make 2oz. I am to do this every 2 hours day and night... The routin takes 45min each time. I have only been able to make one oz of breast milk each time. I am very discouraged. I dont know anyone who has had these issues and I am hoping someone on this board can encourage me that it can get better. Did any of you experience this in the beginning? Do you have any tips? I am adding oatmeal to my diet, anything else I can add? I do have hypothyroidism which is under control so I assume it should not be affecting my supply.

I would really appreciate any experience anyone can offer. I want to try everything I can before giving up. Breastfeeding is just something I always knew I would do.... I just did not realize how hard it would be.
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