
Dairy allergy? Milk imbalance? Something else? HELP!

Recently my 3 month old has been have greenish, mucousy, watery BMs. She used to have very normal BMs about once per week; for the past few days, she's been going multiple times per day with this unusual texture and color. Also, it seems as though her tummy is bothering her a bit-- she's stretching her legs and fussing, then will pass gas or a BM and she is more comfortable.

I am not sure if it could be a dairy issue-- as I have been eating dairy since she was born.

I am not sure that it could be a foremilk-hindmilk imbalance, as she usually only ever takes one side when nursing.

Though, it has to be something, right? 

What do you think, and what should I do? 

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