
Pump question

I will be returning to work next week and am torn about which pump to use. I started pumping a few days after DS was born because my milk came in and he was having trouble latching. I didn't have a personal pump of my own so I rented a hospital grade Medela pump from a lactation consultant. I ended up buying a Medela PISA because I knew I needed a pump and was going to break even eventually on the rental. Anyway, I thought I would like the hospital grade one more and was worried about using the PISA for fear I might not like it as much. Turns out I like my PISA more. I like the dual suction setting that mimics baby and it is faster so I don't have to pump as long.

I promise this is going somewhere. At work there is a lactation station right outside my office that is equipped with a Medela hospital grade pump. I just need to take my own parts. My question is do you think I should use the pump already in the room or should I lug my PISA to work everyday because I like it more? I have heard people say that the hospital grades pumps are like the holy grail of pumps so am I missing something? Does anyone else prefer another pump over the hospital grade?

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