
Eating enough during the day?

My little guy is 4.5 mo. Daddy takes care of him at home while I work. The little guy is up almost every 2 hours still at night, and I'm wondering if he doesn't eat enough during the day.

I usually BF around 56am before work. Then DH gives 3oz bottles of pumped milk around 8, 10:30, 1, 3:30. I BF at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30. Then he's up around 10, 12, 2, 4. After working 80 hours per week, this is exhausting and I need sleep. I've tried other soothing methods and he screeches until I feed him. Sometimes I think he just likes to be up at night to nurse because he misses me during the day. :

DH says he'll take as much in a bottle as you let him, upwards of 6oz. But then pukes of course. He's also a refluxer and MSPI. And a terrible napper. Should DH offer more at each feed? 4oz? Maybe he needs tanked up during the day so we can all sleep at night?
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