
EPers, please come in!

So, I wont get into detail (if you frequent this board then I am sure you have come across my saga story! haha). However, in order to give my nipples a much needed break to heal, I am going to EP for a few days and meet with another LC on Friday.

So far today, the EPing has gone pretty well. Ive tried to stay on top of it every 2-3 hours and have everything set up for tonight. The more I think about it though, the more appealing EPing seems vs traditional BF. I know, I must be crazy, right!? I have heard how hard it is to EP, but here is what my brain is thinking....

So far today, with EPing, DS has been more content, happy, and napping better. I also loved that DH could give him a bottle, and I wasnt stuck on the couch nursing him for an hour and missing on quality DS1 play time. Yes, pumping takes time, but 30 minutes vs an hour (or more!) seems like a blessing to me in the whole scheme of things. Not being tied to the couch with DS2 on my boob allowed me to get back in the routine of putting DS1 to bed, which is so special to me.

Yes, we had a bunch of bottles and pump parts to wash tonight, but it took a total of 10 minutes to do so.

Any other EPers have positive things to say about their experience? What hurdles have you run into that I obviously havent faced in my 1 day of doing this? Am I crazy for thinking I could possibly EP? I go back to work in 5 weeks anyway and will be pumping all day then.

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