March 2013 Moms

Pinching Pain and Exhaustion?

Random question, and I think that maybe I already know the answer. Last night I started having a pinching/twisting pain about two inches over from my hip. It was only on the right side, and it would kind of come and go. Originally DH was concerned that we would have to go to the ER, but then we used Dr. Internet and determined it was probably just round ligament pain. The whole episode lasted about 8 hours, I never had any bleeding, and today I'm feeling much better. I'm planning on asking the doctor about it during my appointment next week, but I was caught super off gaurd by the intensity of the pain, and it was kind of scary. I was expecting round ligament pain to feel more like a dull ache, like when you do too many sit ups. Did anyone else experience this stabby, pinchy pain?

 Also, I thought we were all supposed to have more energy during the 2nd trimester? I have been beyond exhausted during the last two days, as in I basically spent all of Columbus Day sleeping. Anyone else have this? All that sleep did help the pain described above, but seriously, I'm feeling kind of bummed now that I basically wasted a whole day.

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