March 2013 Moms

Intro & Question

Hi ladies! I've been checking the board for the last couple of weeks but only registered to start posting now. I figured I'd need a place to ask questions and get some ideas/advice!

H & I are expecting our first baby on March 26th so I'm 16 weeks today Smile. We don't know if we're having a boy or girl yet but will find out soon.

Here's my question... Has anyone been experiencing really itchy skin? I think I'm developing a rash under my bump, the tops of my thighs, and the back of my neck. It's super itchy! The only thing I found online has been PUPP but apparently that usually shows around the 3rd trimester. I have a Dr.'s appt on the 19th so hopefully it doesn't spread until then!


BabyFruit Ticker
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