March 2013 Moms

?»´¯`?.¸¸.°¤ PgAL Check-in ¤°.¸¸.?´&#175

This is a group designed for women that have suffered a loss in the past whether it be a miscarriage, pregnancy loss or the loss of a LO and are expecting in March 2013.


New Members:  Please introduce yourself and included your EDD date as well as your loss dates.  

Current Members:  Post your updates, how you are feeling any upcoming appointments, etc. 



00jennifer00 ~ EDD: 3/12/13 ? Loss EDDs: 10/05, 3/06,7/06,and 12/08

5dogs ~ EDD: 3/27/13 ? Loss Date: 6/17/12 ? Loss EDD 12/24/12

ahbEsq ~ EDD: 3/27/13 ? Loss EDD 12/24/12

aimeecasey ~ EDD: 3/26/13 ? Loss Date: 6/19/12

alykat ~ EDD: 3/22/13 ? Loss Date: 6/4/12

AmandaBoud2011~ 3/28/13 ? Loss Date:  3/5/2012

andrea ri 80 ~ EDD: 3/6/13 ? Loss Dates: 10/07, 06/08 and 8/10

andreahshields ~ EDD: 3/29/13 ? Loss Date: 05/09/12

Antigone1984 ~ EDD: 3/24/13 ? Loss Date: 2/9/11

ashleyl31 ~ EDD: 3/3/13 ? Loss Date: 11/2/12

Atleighdan ~ EDD: 3/10/13 ? Loss Dates 8/16/11 and 3/12

baby&thesea ~ EDD: 3/29/13 - Loss Dates: 11/11 and 5/12 

beccalyn17~ EDD: 3/13/13 ? Loss Date: 10/3/11

BOTB32010 ~ EDD: 3/13/2013

BzeetyD ~ EDD: 3/13/13 ? Loss Dates: 3/12 and 11/12

Careyalis ~ EDD: 3/6/13 ? Lossed LO?s birth date: 2/16/12

chame90 ~ EDD: 3/30/13 ? Loss Date: 7/16/11 and 2/3/12

ChloBub ~ EDD: 3/17/13 ? Loss Date: 11/4/11

cll915 ~ EDD: 3/18/13 ? Loss Date 5/26/12 ? EDD 12/21/12

Corey-chick EDD: 3/11/13- Loss Date: 5/8/10

Cwelshsm ~ EDD: 3/15/13 -  Loss EDD:  1/24/13 

daylights1 ~ EDD: 3/17/13 - Loss EDD: 10/8/12 

DutchKatie ~ EDD: 3/14/13 ? Loss EDD: 09/12

emisi ~ EDD: 3/15/13 ? Loss Dates: 9/11, 10/11, 11/11 and 01/12

folding ~ EDD: 3/5/13 ? Loss Date: 2/19/12

gravytrain225 ~ EDD: ? -  Loss EDD: 10/10/12

guilletskichuk ~ EDD: - 3/16/13 ? Loss Date: 9/12/12

hfloistoocute ~ EDD: 3/13/13 - Loss Date:  5/27/12

iamapixie ~ EDD: 3/13/13 ? Loss Date 3/17/12

jackieselba ~ EDD: 3/28/13 ? Loss Date: 11/11/12 ? EDD: 6/12/12

Jenny935 ~ EDD: 3/8/13 ? Loss Date: 3/10/10 and 1/30/12

Jerry77 ~ EDD: 3/13/13 ? Loss EDD: 12/21/12

Jessuhmarie ~ EDD: 3/9/13 -  Loss EDDs: 3/1/12 and 9/9/12

kimba1976 ~ EDD 3/9/13 ? Loss Date:  8/17/11

KMac570 ~ EDD: 3/21/13 ? Loss Dat: 01/2012

krisztina33 ~ EDD: 3/22/13 - Loss Date: 4/13/12

kwilson158 ~ EDD: 3/17/13 ? Loss Date: 3/30/12

lalaellac ~  EDD: 3/5/13 -  Loss of LO: 9/3/10

lawgalheel ~ EDD:  3/2/13 ? Loss Date: 6/4/11 ? Loss EDD: 9/5/11

leneae10 ~ EDD 3/11/13 ? Loss Dates: 2/5/10 and 2/10/10

luvsdogs2 ~ EDD: 3/8/13 - Loss Date:  4/27/12 - Loss EDD: 12/18/12

mhubbar5 ~ EDD: 3/31/13 ? Loss Date: 11/11, 2/12 and 5/12

milkergirl1 ~ EDD: 3/17/13 ? Loss Dates:  11/18/11 and 5/02/12

mkc5869 ~ EDD: 3/22/13 ? Loss Date 3/17/09 and 6/15/12

Mmm79 ~ EDD: 3/26/13 ? Loss EDDs: 7/12/12 and 11/29/12

MrsSonny24 ~ EDD: 3/16/13 ? Loss of LO: 2/13/12 

Mrssoprano ~ EDD: 3/31/13 ? Loss Date: 9/28/11 ? Loss EDD: 2/8/12

NBBride ~ EDD 3/15/13 ? Loss Date: 2/10/12 ? Loss EDD: 9/21/12

Neon252 ~ EDD 3/22/13 ? Loss Date 7/22/11 and 11/30/11

PippaLee33 ~ EDD: 3/6/13 ? Loss Date 2/10/12 ? Loss EDD: 9/21/12 

Rosesarepink ~ EDD: 3/4/13 ? Loss Date 12/21/11

s.alarie ~ EDD: 3/23/13 ? Loss EDD: 3/30/12

SissynJitters ~ EDD: 3/29/13 ? Loss EDD: 5/23/12

SkyExodus ~ EDD: 3/24/13 ? Loss Dates: 9/11, 11/11, 1/12, 2/12 and 5/12

SQuaid ~ EDD: 3/9/13

Stella ? EDD: 3/6/13 ? Scheduled c-section 2/14/13

Stellarpuppy ~ EDD: 3/27/13 ? Loss Date 9/23/11

SunnyCanadian ~ EDD: 3/14/13 ? Loss Date 11/18/11

Sucrets4 ~ EDD: 3/17/13 ? Loss Dates 1/12 and 4/12

thetur ~ EDD: 3/14/13 ? Loss Date: 1/19/12 ? Loss EDD: 8/21/12

TMWarren85 ~ EDD: 3/6/13 ? Loss Date: 4/25/12

Yecal~ EDD 3/16/13 ? Loss EDD 10/12


BzeetyD, paisleybaby33 and Strawberryglobug ~ Thoughts and prayers for your March angel babies.



?         Luvsdogs ? How are things going with you this week?  Any new updates?

?         mkc5869 ? I hope you get to find out the sex today!  I?m so glad to hear that you are feeling better and feeling some movement. 

?         NBBride05 ? Congratulations on your little girl!  Very exciting news! What did they decide on the amino? 

?         Cwelshsm ? I?m happy that your checkups have been going so well.  I?m sorry to hear about your frustration about you?re a/s.  I do know that the anatomy is much further developed at 20 weeks so I think they?re probably making a good call in having you wait even though it is difficult.  Our a/s isn?t until 21 weeks.  It is hard to wait.

?         kwilson ? I love the name Harper Cole!  Glad to hear you?re feeling better.

?         Mmm79 ? I hope work gives you a break soon.  It can be difficult to balance work and pregnancy.  Although, on the other hand it is very nice that you are so busy.  Any new updates? 

?         ahbEsq ? Have you made up your mind on what to do with your job situation?  It is very scary making a big change but a lot of the time it pays off in the end. 

?         SunnyCanadian ? How has the Doppler been going?  How is everything else going this week?

?         Lawgalheel ? How are you doing this week?  Any news?

?         Atleighdan- I was sorry to see that we shared the same loss EDD date.   I can think of a huge list of things that would be much better to have in common.  Is this the weekend you go to Disney World?  I?m so jealous.  

?         Andreahshields ? I hope you had a great appointment yesterday.  Any other news?

?         emisi ? I?m sorry you got the news that you are measuring ahead due to fibroids.  When is your next appointment?

?         Jerry77- It is so exciting that you are feeling movement!  How are you doing this week?

?         KMac570 ? I?m glad to hear that the bleeding and cramping seem to be resolving.  Have you told anyone the news now that you?re showing?

?         milkergirl1 ? Welcome to the group!

?         Yecal ? I?m sorry that I had your name spelled wrong for so long.  When I first started putting this together I was fairly sick and not all there mentally.  Congratulations on being team pink and the new house!  Very exciting news!  I hope the bleeding scares are over.

?         Corey-chick ? So glad your new medication is working!  I?m so glad you had such a great u/s and it sounds like you have one active LO on your hands J I love that the tech gave your DD her very own pic!


GTKY:  If you could be any super hero or fictitious character for one day, who would you be? 

Inspirational Quote:  ?Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.? ~ A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

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