March 2013 Moms

DS Announced Gender PIP

I had planned on having DS announce his siblings gender when he did his smash cake but I couldn't wait. And I have been too exhausted lately to bake the cake. So I bought premade cupcakes, white icing, and food coloring. I took the original icing off of the top, cut the center out of the cake portion, filled it with colored icing, and replaced the icing on top with new white icing.

DS has never really handled anything messy so I knew it was going to be a new experience. See results below, oh and gender reveal:

Before the fun:


Testing things out:


After I pushed his hand in it (mean mommy) he tried to wipe it off, notice the pissed look:


Now he is really mad at Mommy! But so stinkin' cute:


Well we are Team Blue and super excited to be adding another boy to the family. On another note I don't think we are doing a smash cake for DS1's first birthday.

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