
Did I screw up? re:weaning

DD2 has NEVER STTN.  Every night she wakes up at least twice and nurses back to sleep.  Well last night I found out my DH was working all night and then he has off the next 2 nights so I figured we could have 3 nights of no one getting any sleep.  I told DD before bed that she wasn't getting any boob in the middle of the night, that nighttime is for sleeping, etc.  She went down by 9:30 and then woke up at 1:15 wanting boob.  I told her again that she's not getting boob until the sun is out.  I cuddled her for about 45 minutes and had to tell her a few times no boob.  I kept trying to put her back in her crib and she kept fussing.  Eventually I gave up and put her back in and left.  I think she cried off and on for another 1.5 hours.  Then she did not wake up again until 7:30 this morning but because the sun was up, I told her "the sun is up so you can have boob".  She nursed back to sleep until 10.  Then I brought her downstairs and she said "sun" and wanted to nurse.  I don't anticipate getting much sleep again tonight and I'm not sure if I should have nursed her at 7:30 but does it sound like we're onto something?  I really really had planned on letting her completely self wean but the lack of sleep is really starting to get to me.  She can nurse during the day until she turns 18 if it means she starts STTN at least a few nights a week. 
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